I don’t know you, but every year I welcome with relief the arrival of September, for many reasons.
Summer is beautiful, but has its sharpness: the ground dries, the sun is strong, nature is at the height of its exuberance and asks every human being to pull out all the energies..at least I arrive at the end of summer with the need to stop and recover more standard and calm rhytms.
The september tail of summer is pleasant and sweet: sunny days are more rare and precious, with a different light; the nice season gradually ends and another one starts, even better which honours the summer, bearing its fruits. September darkens the shiny yellow shades of August, dampening them into the orange of leaves starting to dry, and into the purple of blackberries. The fire of sun goes towards the fire of the fireplace. The ground, in summer arid and split, light and dry, takes a darker tone thanks to the rain. Even the sea seems nicer, when it isn’t agitated by the first gales: has shaken off the heat of August and, with parasols lowered, becomes one of the most beautiful places to walk with children, playing to be chased by the waves.
September has become my favorite month also because it is the month in which my son was born, the most beautiful fruit. Obviously Federico also had his cover with the name, gray and blue in squares, in pure wool, his first cover. Nannabella didn’t exist yet, but it was already a “home” tradition to make a cover with the name of the newborn as a welcome gift.
This month and the approach of autumn therefore have a special meaning: we gather the energies, the ideas, we recompose ourselves from the summer frenzy and we prepare to face a new cycle. We have several news in store, which will join the collection you already know: we can’t wait to propose them and add new bricks to our project Nannabella.
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