Today is a special day for me and I want to share with you some thoughts.
I was born this day, something more than 40 years ago (let’s not specify too much!), at 9.15 in the morning. My mother used to call me “little owl” because of my large wide eyes, curious and round like those of an owl. My hair were black and straight… Not exactly the Instagram kind of little girl! 🙂
I don’t think anyone feels in their own age when years start running fast like the wind, you find yourself grown up without being able to understand how fast time runs away, especially when you become a parent and your children grow up so quickly. I can’t believe that I’m in my forties, it makes me smile and at the end I think that it is better to hurry up and do what we really like.
And I like Nannabella so much. I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than celebrating life that renews itself: every time we are asked for a baby blanket it’s like having the privilege to join a beautiful party, the party that every baby brings when he/she comes to the world.
I like April, even when, like today, it brings a breath of frost, of cold wind on the coasts, of snow that whitens the roofs of the villages on the hills. I like everything today, even if I am missing a billion things that everyone is missing in this moment and that I am not going to list, even though we still live in fear and uncertainty. I like growing up, let’s say getting old, I’m curious to know the names of the children that will be born, the cards to write, the colors and the yarns to work and prepare.
To the baby that I used to be, I would give my favourite blanket, the Millebolle Caramel, simple and with bold colors, with the wish to keep, as I hope I am doing, the curious eyes of a little owl.
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